
A Handful of Gems from Sindh – Folk Wisdom of the Peoples of Sindhu – Hindu – Shin-tuh – Indus Valley Civilisation

$ 2.45

Product Description

A Handful of Gems from Sindh – Folk Wisdom of the Peoples of Sindhu – Hindu – Shintu – Indus Valley Civilisation

Mother Sindhu is Rich!
And. It is not about material and physical richness alone. The Spiritual Richness is overwhelming too!

This Little Book brings to you a handful of gems from the said Civilisation, the folk wisdom of Sindhis, the people of the Ancient Sindhu-Sarasvati Civilisation, irrespective of their current faith, and national as well as social affiliations.

Transcending all man-made boundries and barries, Sindhis remain Sindhis, wherever they live, and whatever profession they profess… They remain true to their unflincihing faith in the Oneness of the Divine Principle and the brotherhood of men.

Publisher: Centre for Vedic and Dharmic Studies



(Segenggam mutiara dari Sindh – Petuah Kebijakan Rakyat dari Warga Peradaban Sindhi – Hindu – Shin-tuh – Indus)

Bunda Sindhu Sungguh Kaya!
Dan, bukan hanya kaya secara fisik dan materi belaka. Kekayaan Spiritualnya juga berlimpah!

Buku Kecil ini membawakan segenggam permata dari Peradaban tersebut untuk Anda, segenggam kebijaksanaan rakyat Sindhi, masyarakat Peradaban Kuno Sindhu-Sarasvati, terlepas dari apa pun keyakinan mereka, apa pun kebangsaan, dan apa pun status sosial mereka saat ini.

Di atas segala batas-batas ciptaan manusia, Sindhi tetaplah Sindhi, di mana pun mereka tinggal, dan apa pun profesi mereka… Mereka tetap berpegang teguh pada keyakinan akan Ketunggalan Hyang Ilahi dan persaudaraan umat manusia.